Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Sunrise Fund hosts, A New Year's Community Event 12/29/2010

December 12/29/2010 - "A New Day in a New Year for Children with Cancer"

The Sunrise Fund hosts, A New Year's Community Event 
                 Raising Awareness and Honoring Children with Cancer in Suffolk County

Bellport Community Center 2 Bell Street, Bellport
Wednesday December 29th, 2010
No Admission
Refreshments will be served

Parents of local children with cancer, (some specifically from Bellport and East Patchogue), childhood cancer survivors, siblings will sing, perform, speak about childhood cancer.

2011 Sunrise Fund calendars will be available for a requested donation.
Special performances by Justin Bieber impersonator Matt Taylor.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Play Fit Stay Fit! Holiday Party Tues. 12/14 (Updated)

Play Fit Stay Fit Holiday Party!! will be Tuesday, 12/14 at 6pm.

Parents, please bring an inexpensive, wrapped gift with YOUR 
child's name on it for 'Santa' to give to YOUR Child. 

Messege from Ray:

This is the last day of the Fall/Winter session.  We'll run a short activity session from 6- 6:30 followed by a party w/ Santa.   We'll have some food... usually pizza and dessert, so it won't exactly be an Italian feast, but it will be nice!  Please bring a wrapped inexpensive gift ($10-$20) for your children. 

PLEASE let (RAY) me know if you plan on attending so I can order enough food. 

Christmas 2008

The last day of the Fall Session is Tuesday, 12/14 at 6pm. 
PFSF! will break until March.

On Tuesday 12/7 we wrapped up the Fall Parenting Sessions with Resolving Conflict.

Managing problems that come up effectively can really influence how family members get along. We talked about ways to handle problems that come up within the family. 
Thanks very much for our new psychosocial program this past session which was conducted by Dr. Darla Broberg from SBUMC and Autumn Kujawa, a psychology doctoral student from SBU. 

And thanks to all the families who participated in the program!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Last Night of Parenting Sessions – December 7th

Resolving Conflicts Within the Family – December 7, 2010

            Managing problems that come up effectively can really influence how family members get along. Now that we have the basic skills in place, for our last meeting we will talk about ways to handle problems that come up within the family.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Upcoming Parenting Sessions

When Reprimands Work – November 23, 2010

            Reprimands are verbal or non-verbal signs of disapproval (e.g., “stop that!” or frowning and head shaking). Many parents find that reprimands are not effective; however, using them correctly and in combination with the other skills we have learned so far, can help with undesirable behavior. We will be covering ways to use reprimands effectively and to apply these skills at home. 

Resolving Conflicts Within the Family – December 7, 2010

            Managing problems that come up effectively can really influence how family members get along. Now that we have the basic skills in place, for our last meeting we will talk about ways to handle problems that come up within the family.

Catching Up on Parenting Sessions

Using Time Outs Effectively – November 2, 2010

            When kids break the rules, many parents and teachers use time out to address the problem. But time out is often misunderstood and used in a way that makes it much less effective. During this session, we will be talking about how to use time outs effectively in your home.

Attending & Ignoring: Choosing When to Respond & Problem Solving– November 16, 2010

            Do you ever find yourself annoyed by your child’s whining, complaining, or noisiness? Noticing when your child is doing something desirable and choosing not to pay attention to undesirable behavior can be very helpful in reducing minor problems. We will be discussing these ideas in more detail and talking about how they might apply to your family, and we will address any problems that have come up as you have attempted to apply these parenting methods within your family.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tuesday's Session Cancelled, 10/26/10

There will be NO Play Fit-Stay Fit! Tuesday, 10/26/10.  
Our next session will by this Friday at 6:15 PM. 

Sorry for any inconvenience. 

Friday, October 8, 2010

Parenting Session 1: Defining Behavior

by Katherine Lent

We had our first 'Parenting Session' Tuesday night at PFSF. We are learning to help our children learn to do more positive things and learn to do fewer negative things. If you miss a class, ask Darla and Autumn for a hardcopy of the missed material.

We discussed why defining behavior is important. Actions are behaviors; thoughts, feelings and attitudes are not behaviors. Behaviors may be influenced by environment.

The ABC's of behavior are:

The setting or context that occur before behavior and influence behavior.

What the child does or does not do.

C- Consequence:
Events that follow behavior and may influence future behavior.

We discussed prompting positive behaviors. We discussed ways that we could be more clear and specific in our directions for children.

* Be specific and clearly define our instruction
* Be calm
* Keep a positive, neutral tone.
* Avoid phrasing in questions such as " Will you please put on your shoes?"

We also discussed trying to keep a less frustrated attitude as parents.

For next session (Tues. 10/19) think of what behaviors you would like to work on and start observing how often the behavior occurs.

Problem Behaviors/Positive Opposite Behaviors:


Daily rewards for positive behavior:


Observe for behavior for ONE hour each day:

I haven't started yet, but I plan to document Corinne's wierd and wonky noises. She make a lot of monstery vocalizations. I guess when I do the documenting I will find out exactly 'when' and 'where' she is doing this and hopefully will get to the 'why' and STOP!!

In the meantime, this morning I kept MY attitude in check and Corinne was very compliant
AND took initiative in her own self care routine this morning. I gave
lots of praise and offered her a surprise reward when she comes home today.


What have you observed or learned this week??
comment below...

Monday, September 20, 2010

New Parenting Skills Program

Play Fit Stay Fit! is excited to announce that this fall we have a new psychosocial program which will be conducted by Dr. Darla Broberg from SBUMC and Autumn Kujawa, a psychology doctoral student from SBU. The basis for most of their sessions will be the "Kazdin Parenting Method".

These sessions will be conducted on Tuesday nights beginning this Tuesday 9/21 and continue for a total of 8 sessions. We will also have 4 sessions of nutrition on opposing Tuesday nights.

Sessions Outline:
  1. Defining Behavior & Positive Opposites
  2. Rewarding Positive Behavior & Shaping Behavior (with explanation of reward charts) 
  3. Using Time Outs Effectively
  4. Attending & Ignoring: Choosing When to Respond
  5. Review & Problem-Solving
  6. When Reprimands Work
  7. Resolving Conflicts Within the Family

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Register now for PFSF Fall Session, Begins 9/21

The upcoming fall session of PFSF! will commence on Tuesday, September 21st.   

As in the past, the program will run on Tuesdays from 6 PM to approximately 7:30 PM 
and on Fridays from 6:15 - 7:15 PM.  

The program will run for 12 consecutive weeks through Friday, December 10th.

To register please call Ray McKenna at 444-6169 or email at raymond.mckenna@stonybrook.edu.

Returning members need not register.  

Begins Tuesday, September 21st

Every Tuesday, 6pm - 7:30pm
Every Friday, 6:15pm - 7:15pm

Ends Friday, December 10th

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Coming in October:
9th Annual School Re-Entry Conference: “Board the SurvivorShip!”

OCTOBER 27 • 4:30 PM TO 9:00 PM

This free dinner conference focuses on childhood cancer survivorship and late effects, and their impact on education.

Healthcare professionals, teachers, school nurses, guidance counselors, psychologists, school administrators, and community members are invited. Registration is required.
For more information or to register, call Nicole Gutman at (631) 444-7521 or visit www.schoolreentry.org.

For more information about the Sunrise Fund, call (631) 444-2899
or visit www.sunrisefund.org

Monday, August 30, 2010

EVENT: 9.11.10, Stony Brook’s Seawolves Home-Opener Football Game


To purchase tickets, call (631) 632-WOLF (9653) or visit www.GoSeawolves.org

A portion of the ticket sales supports the Sunrise Fund program, “Play Fit–Stay Fit!”
This free comprehensive wellness program for survivors of childhood cancer and their families runs for 12 weeks in the fall and spring.

To register for “Play Fit–Stay Fit!”, call (631) 444-6169 or visit www.playfitstayfit.org

Child survivors and their families can receive 
~ complimentary tickets ~
by calling (631)444-6169 or emailing info@playfitstayfit.org

Please note that childhood cancer survivors and their families can receive complimentary tickets for the game by calling Ray McKenna at 444-6169 or emailing raymond.mckenna@stonybrook.edu.  

As the event draws near we will be looking for some of the PFSF kids to join us on the field either before the game or at half time.  This should be a great event!!!!


Become a Bone Marrow Donor: YOU CAN BE A LIFE-SAVER!

If you were unable to attend the drive for Jake and Kaitlyn you can still register on-line and have the swab lit mailed to you. Just sign up HERE at DKMS and enter drive code# JAF001 when prompted.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Event: 8.29.2010, Help Save Jake and Others! BM Drive

Jake Amato and his brother Kenny and mom Debbie are members of Play Fit Stay Fit! as well as Sunrise Day Camp and The Morgan Center.  Jake, now 8 years old has been battling leukemia for the past 4 years. 

"I desperately need a bone marrow transplant to save my life. Please come to 'My Bone Marrow Drive', you could be the one!"

Download this pdf flyer if you'd like to help promote Jake's Drive. If you are already on the registry, please come and volunteer with us! There is also a smaller jpg image to use on the web. Thanks!!

Sunday Aug 29, 2010 - Farmindale, Long Island, NY
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

If you can't make the drive and still want to join, you can join on that site and have a cheek swab kit sent to you. You do the swab, send it back and then you'll get a card when you are set in the database.Go to Marrow.org, for a questionnaire where you can answer some health questions and see if you would be eligible to be a donor. 

Download this Flyer to print and distribute

Newsday: Jake and Kenny Amato

This life-threatening disease has stopped Jake from doing the things he loves and is taking him away from his family and friends. This battle has been rough for Jake, but he stays strong and he himself says: 'I know I will get through it! But my family and I need your help. I desperately need a bone marrow transplant to save my life.
Please come to “My Bone Marrow Drive”, you could be the one!”

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to help cover the costs of the tissue typings. Every dollar counts! Give Today. Contact annette@dkmsamericas.org for more information.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

EVENT: 10/4/10, Support Danielle's Chinese Auction to benefit The Guardian Brain Foundation

Danielle, a former Play Fit Stay Fit! participant, has raised over $2,000 for various charities by selling bracelets, necklaces and key chains.  She has had to overcome a lot in her short life since being diagnosed with a brain tumor in August 2006 and losing her vision in October of that same year.

Her mom Robin Tirsun is holding a Chinese Auction to benefit The Guardian Brain Foundation, a 501 (c)  3 charity that helps people with tumors and injuries of the brain and their families, and supports neuroscience research. 

Please spread the word about this event if you or you know of families currently dealing with a brain tumor, have them call Robin. (516-728-2373) She’ll work out something if they can’t afford the cost... "Let them have a fun night out and network with others dealing with similar issues."

Danielle is doing okay.  Still struggling with weight and medical issues but, she has a great attitude and tries her best every day.

Chinese Auction 
The Guardian Brain Foundation 
Monday, October 4, 2010 
6 pm – 9 pm 
Del – Mir Caterers 
at North Shore Synagogue 
83 Muttontown Road 
Syosset, NY 

$50 includes full seated dinner 
and unlimited wine and beer 

Please make checks payable to: The Guardian Brain Foundation 
Mail to: Robin Tirsun 
12 Edi Avenue, Plainview, NY  11803 

Thank you for your support! 

Please call Robin Tirsun at (516) 349-8102 with any questions 

Sunday, August 1, 2010

EVENT: 9/11/2010, Stony Brook Seawolves' fundraiser football game

9/11/2010 - September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
Sunrise Fund benefits from the Stony Brook Seawolves' home-opener football game, on September 11, at 6 pm, at Kenneth P. LaValle Stadium, Stony Brook University, Nicolls Road, Stony Brook. [Map]
A portion of the ticket sales goes towards, "Play Fit, Stay Fit!," a comprehensive wellness program for childhood cancer survivors and their families. Tickets: $12. For tickets, call (631) 632-WOLF (9653) or visit www.GoSeawolves.org

*Play Fit Stay Fit Families: Stay tuned for info on free tickets.